  • Optimizing your workplace with 5S

  • 5S is a widely used tool by Squadron's process engineers. It can not only be applied on the production floor, but is also applicable for optimizing administrative processes, office environments and archives.
    • What is 5S?

    • 5S is a system for organizing workplaces to work in a safe, efficient and effective manner. In 5 steps, everything is put where it belongs so that the workplace is kept clean and it becomes easier for people to do their job without losing time and without risk of injury.

  • 5 S
      • The 5S method explained

    • 5S refers to five Japanese words:

      • S1 - Seiri - Separate/Sort - Identify and separate essential and non-essential items. Keep only what is necessary and remove unnecessary items to create space and clarity.
      • S2 - Seiton - Arrange - Provide organized storage. Everything has a specific place and can be found quickly. Minimize searching and maximize efficiency. 
      • S3 - Seiso - Cleaning - Maintain a clean and orderly workplace. Eliminate dirt, dust and clutter to detect and resolve potential problems faster. 
      • S4 - Seiketsu - Standardize - Implement standards for cleanliness and organization. Ensure consistent procedures to maintain a standardized work environment.
      • S5 - Shitsuke - Sustain/Systematize - Embed the previous steps as habits. Continue to consistently work to the standards to maintain long-term improvement.

      In practice, a sixth S is often added in addition to 5S: safety/safety. Create a work environment that minimizes accidents and ensures the safety of all employees. 

      • Discover Squadron's 5S app.