5S refers to five Japanese words:
- S1 - Seiri - Separate/Sort - Identify and separate essential and non-essential items. Keep only what is necessary and remove unnecessary items to create space and clarity.
- S2 - Seiton - Arrange - Provide organized storage. Everything has a specific place and can be found quickly. Minimize searching and maximize efficiency.
- S3 - Seiso - Cleaning - Maintain a clean and orderly workplace. Eliminate dirt, dust and clutter to detect and resolve potential problems faster.
- S4 - Seiketsu - Standardize - Implement standards for cleanliness and organization. Ensure consistent procedures to maintain a standardized work environment.
- S5 - Shitsuke - Sustain/Systematize - Embed the previous steps as habits. Continue to consistently work to the standards to maintain long-term improvement.
In practice, a sixth S is often added in addition to 5S: safety/safety. Create a work environment that minimizes accidents and ensures the safety of all employees.